It seems that every time there is a natural disaster, there is a gloom-and-doomer (usually on the right, and usually of the religious variety) that states that it's an Angry God, punishing us for our latest this case, it's all about Gays and the "A" word.
Yup. We're being swiped at by the Angry God for a violation of his laws.
And I'm sure we've been swiped at before; certainly, He was probably behind the whole Black Death, which killed 100 million people world wide, in a most hideous manner. And lest we forget the whole Spanish Flu Pandemic that killed somewhere around 130 million people worldwide.....
I wonder what we were doing back then to raise his ire so?
Could it have been the seemingly calculated extermination of the indigenous populations of the New World?
Could it have been a war that involved the entire world?
And yet....the Angry God seems to let us off the mat time and time again.
We never, ever learn, it seems.....there seems to be one way, and one way only, to keep an entire population enthralled and controlled and in fear for their very souls.
But I am a wretched sinner, my friends; for I believe in the words of John Scopes, who stated in his now-famous trial, "I believe that religion is supposed to comfort people; not frighten them to death."
Religion is not supposed to explain life to us; for if that were true, we'd be selling slaves and our daughters, and stoning people left right and center...cuz that very un-Christian Old Testament says it's A-OK.
Stop telling me we're doomed because the world doesn't think as you do.
Because in the final analysis, the Crusades failed because apparently, God wasn't on our side.
Sorry. I'm furious.
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