Christmas was a delight. The food was delicious, the conversation sparkling, and I received this really cool walking stick with a Raven head. I also was given a Toledo Mud Hens jersey. It was way cool in the prezzie department.
We sent various lovely things to the folks back home, but my particular contribution were some things I picked up when I was over the sea in that far off and well-remembered country; so, each of my family members received the official flag of Cornwall.

My Father was appreciative, but was worried that it would misinterpreted if flown. I say, fly it proudly, for we are Sons of Cornwall.
Speaking of flags....has anybody else noticed that when you watch A CHRISTMAS STORY on TBS over and over, you notice little things....for example, the American flag up the flagpole at the school has fifty stars....and this takes place in 1940....oh, and the plastic caps on the wagons should be metal. Oh, and one of the kids is wearing a Davy Crockett hat that didn't come out until like a decade later.....
And then I went to sleep.
And I wish I was still there.
And how was YOUR day?
we watched it on loop as well. over and over and over. my day was really nice. easy.
I didn't even wish you a Merry Christmas. I came here first thing when I could. Merry belated Christmas! xoxo
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