Monday, January 10, 2011

There is DEFINITELY a reason the windows on the 6th floor DON'T OPEN!

As a New Year's Resolution, I decided to give myself two days a month, which I refer to as my "My Give-a S**t Is Broken" days.

I've used my January ones ALREADY.

But in my defense, there are those who don't give a s**t, there are those who are born without giving a s**t, and there are those that have the "don't give a s**t" thrust upon them. Today, it was thrust, like a very unpleasant.....physical...exam.

Let's just say that my well-noted self-awareness is flawed.

Hard to stay at this job, these days.

Which is a convincing argument to never step onto a stage again; it's like a siren's song, and eventually, I know it's going to take me right into the rocks of reality.

But, then you're tied to the mast, I'd probably be thinking, 'HOLY S**T! What A Ride!"

When I have the lines in my head, and I'm close to that, it's going to be more fun than it has been.....I'm meeting new people, and a couple in particular remind me of other people, and you know how you have that instant affection for those people, right?

Anyway, to recap:

Day sucked.

Want to retire.

Theatre=Pretty girls singing, crashing into rocks, not caring.

Have a better day than I did.......

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