Thursday, November 18, 2010

Gather around, ye Romans, and witness the evidence of the end.....

I began my acting career when I was very young; I can recall that the first sentence I ever uttered in front of a audience included the word "capering".

This is information that is neither here nor there, really. The real point is this.....

I have always been opposed to competitions involving the arts. I don't see any logical way to judge "head-to-head", paintings, writings, acting or dancing.

I was telling a local friend the other day that I turned down an Irene Ryan nomination TWICE because I just didn't get it.....and yes, I caught all sorts of political push-back for those decisions. And, hypocritically, I DID serve as a partner to a couple of people who were competing, but justified the hypocrisy by stating that I wasn't there, nyah, nyah, nyah.

I don't watch award shows.

I especially don't watch shows where the public has the ability to vote on the winner; this is simple...the more that the audience gets involved in choosing the winner, the less it becomes about the 'art'.

Televised competitions are, of course, about the drama of the competition, and not the 'art' either, but let that pass. Combined with the need for ratings, the whole idea of fair competition becomes laughable. But that's neither here nor there, either.

I think the whole idea of doing an expose on the 'illegal voting methods' of shows like Dancing with the Wannabe's and American Idle is, in it's total, the best available example of what's really wrong with us.

The people who are complaining about how it is possible that a weak dancer like somebody named Bristol can be one dance step away from a fictional championship are the same people who showed absolutely no interest in the theft of a Presidential Election in '00.

Apparently, a fictional dancing competition is more important.

Again......Bread and Circuses.

I thrust my fists against the posts and still insists I see the ghosts.....

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