Friday, June 11, 2010

If it's Friday, it must be Monday. Stupid Schedule....

One of my old instructors (or, to be specific, one of my instructors of old) used to say that the definition of a professional is "someone who does their job, even when they don't want to."

I get that.

I've been periodically running from the room all night. The results of the sprint are far too....colorful to describe here, but let me just say that answering telephones is the last thing on my mind, and frankly, if the security of the country revolves around my being at my desk at 0200, then we're all f***ed.

Thursdays into Fridays suck. But that's old news to anybody who reads this inconstant drivel. Lately, though, it's gotten just a shade worse, and I make no excuses; the extra-curricular is my own doing, and I am enjoying it. But it means that my forty-plus body must go almost thirty hours without benefit of beddy bye.

Which would explain my digestive distress.

In other news....the play is blocked.

We have been rehearsing in the theatre of Bismarck State College, on a reasonably sized stage in the hottest auditorium I have ever had the honor to trod. Seriously, warmth that you only find in the dense jungles of....Micronesia?...perhaps the island of Yap? It's warm and humid and not conducive to actual brainpower.

I have witnessed several methods of recording blocking in this particular process; I am fallen back on the shorthand, because I am not trusting my former memory in this incarnation. So, to be sure, I'm writing it down, and reviewing it twice. But some others have apparently fallen back on the old tried and true method of doing it once, and then completely forgetting it. Which, combined with the aforementioned heat and humidity have made me quite cranky in an unusually quiet way.

We've been blocking for a week; when it comes to working these scenes, if we have to go over it again and again, there will be blood.

But I am having a fairly good time; all that creative energy that has been lying dormant (HA!) these years or so.....well, it's starting to pour out of me like beer through a bong. Eventually, I'll have to reign it in, but for now, it's a very....freeing....feeling.

I swear to GOD if somebody offered me a job right now, I would take it.

Of course, I'm an idiot.

Seriously. Test me.

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