Sunday, March 21, 2010

Less ado about something, and much ado about less, and doo bee doo bee doo about pretty much everything else.

I think (I HOPE) I am speaking the truth when I say that I believe that selfishness has never really been a permanent part of my make-up. I understand that our nature sort of demands the occasional moments of selfishness (survival is, by definition, a selfish desire), but for the most part, I would like to believe (and here's where that HOPE comes in again) that I'm more giving than receiving.

That being said, I have to defend my moments of selfishness.
Ain't life weird?

I have friends I don't want to share. They were with me before the bonding, and I won't give them up, and I won't share them. It sometimes takes too long to explain and translate that unique language that friends have. And, YES...I feel badly when I get to laugh at a comment that nobody else in the room gets....but at the same time, I don't feel THAT badly.

There is no single history for any living creature. There is a history for every single person or group you come in contact with.

My histories rarely mix; in fact, it's surreal when they DO.

In the small world that I used to live in (the theatre, dahrling...), when two friends from separate histories would have a common history, it was enough to make my head explode. And we all know how messy and inconvenient THAT can be. But it did save time in the aforementioned "translation" period.

I don't have to do that too often anymore; and I apologize if I offend anybody in my current circle, but my current state of living is not conducive to ME being interesting......but you should have seen me in my prime. And if I don't find MYSELF interesting, I'm pretty sure that I'm not going to find anything around me stimulating. And these days.....


So, there it is in a nutshell. I share much; but I draw the line in a way that most people will think, "Why did he draw the line there? What's the point of the line, anyway? Boy, he's really gone downhill since the incident."

Play me off!

1 comment:

Misti Ridiculous said...

i think it's funny that you made the statement "i have friends that I don't want to share"

i have that too.

yet share them...i do. not mine to control.

brilliance begat brilliance begat brilliance get the picture.

i always think you're interesting. I shared a closet with you.
bonded. for. life.