Friday, July 17, 2009


Have you ever been so furious that you actually lose the ability of coherent speech?

Yup. It only took Pat Buchanan six minutes.

It's just so weird that people of sound mind and good conscience are listening to this fucking dinosaur. He was the confidant and staunch defender of Nixon. He served under Reagan, who while a brilliant showman, was only interested in "making this country what it once was...." which, in my opinion, had something to do with "when things were better", like before the civil war, and civil rights, and civil debate.

Yes, I know.....affirmative action is ineffective. But to suggest that the reason that the Supreme Courts 110 justices, 108 of them have been old white men because it was white men that founded this country, that BUILT this country, and that positions should be based upon some kind of racial destiny, and not merit.

Insanity, thy name is Buchanan.

I'm ashamed. Ashamed that the insulting son of a bitch got under my skin.
And ashamed because we really haven't come all that far at all, have we?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Have you ever been so furious that you actually lose the ability of coherent speech??????

This usually doesn’t happen to me.

However I remember a time when I was told by a SMOKER that eating sunflower seeds was rude……I merely had to say, “ and smoking isn’t?”

That left my friend so frustrated that he finally just said f-f-f-f fuck you!

Then there was the time that I called him danger-boy....again at a loss for words....he said...oh sssssshut up puddinhead!

First time I had ever been call Puddinhead!!

I sure do miss irritating Danger-Boy!