Friday, June 19, 2009

I tend to ramble at 3 AM. A little.

I got some thoughts I should get out of my head before they start to either ferment or decay, which, scientifically, is the same thing......

In other words, I'm looking forward to "ferment" but am prepared for "decay."


The President of the United States killed a fly. PETA released a statement. And it reminds me of a story: Recently, I was talking with my friend Claudia, who has access to a large NY radio audience, and I asked her if she would ascertain why there's a statue of Willie Horton in Center Field of Comerica Park in Detroit, and just a plaque of the name of Hank Greenberg, who was, in his time, known as the "Jewish Babe Ruth.", while Horton was pretty well known as "Mr. Choke".

Claudia considered it for about a half a second. And then, she said that she "needed to keep her powder dry for the big fight, whatever that was."

PETA needs to learn that lesson.

Because their response was something out of a Vonnegut novel.


I have to listen to all these various opinion-heads, shouting out at the top of their lungs the difference between the GOP and the DEMS, and it reminded me of a joke....How many actors does it take to change a light bulb? Eleven: One to change the light bulb, and ten to stand around and mutter, "I could do that so much better."

That aside, I wonder.....everybody is trying to sell me things. And some of those things are very shiny. And I've always been fond of the shiny things....and a little scared. Because the shiny things have let me down more often than not, and the road to hell is paved with good intentions, and they're all carrying shiny things.

It's just so hard to sort the wheat from the chaff.
I miss the news.
Infotainment sucks.

Similarly, I'm curious about the elements of evolution.

I've always joked that if we evolved from monkeys, they why are there still monkeys? But now, I've evolved a bit, into the idea that when a monkey sees the evolution of the species actually happening, what is the usual response?

Well, if human beings began to see fellow human beings evolving (and hopefully, evolving into something better), their response would probably be the usual response to the unknown: we would either ignore it, pretend it doesn't exist, or attempt to kill it.

So, what happens when a country begins an evolutionary process? What would be the usual response?
Look around.
Look familiar?


I think everybody is entitled to six thousand, two hundred and twenty seven mistakes. And I think if you make a mistake, you should be able to apologize, mend your ways, and move on. It's called rehabilitation. But I really don't think we should turn people's mistakes into national news.

Especially since we have a crazy dictator in the East with explosives and missiles. And another country rising to civil war that will make the world shake a bit.

So, Lindsey Lohan's world of crazy can just be put back into the filing cabinet until, well.....hell freezes over.

And I don't think that those programs that wallow in the shallow end of the gene pool that is Hollywood should condemn the "cult of the celebrity", unless they intend to stop feeding the "cult."

Stupid Bastards.

So, to sum up.
I used to be frustrated.
Now, I'm just a little scared.

Rome fell, you know.
And it wasn't pretty.

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