Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Several lines upon the demise of the Dewey Decimal System.

Help me.

I'm suffering from a lack of originality.

Everything around me seems to be a re-tread, a re-make, a re-write, and I don't accept that such things are homages, or "a new age look".

Surely we haven't run out of imagination yet?

And worse yet, the "Free Credit Report" jingle keeps running through my head!

In case you haven't guessed....today....is going...to.....SUCK.

Hope yours is better.


Gertrude said...

Quit holding your own head to be creative Clemo and just write what you know.
I do so hate those FCR commmercials.

Misti Ridiculous said...

I agree with Gert, but for the FCR commericals. I LOVE THEM. I love that guy. he's canadian. frenchie.
slurp. and I think Mike Bradecich would have been a better casting choice on that commercial...eh?