Friday, June 20, 2008

A picture is worth a, wait...a HUNDRED....nooo.....THIRTY dollars and twenty nine cents.....

I can remember when I looked like that.

I still kinda look like that, but they brown has turned a bit to the grey, the beard has been trimmed back to a Van Dyke, and the hair is shorter because I'm older and less hippie.

I still have the hoodie, though.

Funny thing is, I can't really remember when that photo was taken. I can remember, however, that I was laughing when it WAS taken.

And, I just realized that this is the first time I've put up a picture of myself.

So, for those of you who have NEVER seen me before....



Kizz said...

I remember when you looked like that. Maybe the hair was a little longer but it was all about the same.

Gertrude said...

Suddenly I have a longing for Loggins and Messina!
Your Mama don't dance and your Dandy sure don't rock and roll but how fantastic do you look?
Good Times!