Thursday, April 10, 2008

Rant. You've been warned.

Have you ever had a legitimate moment when you looked at something or someone and you made that very cartoonish, "whaaaaaaat?" sound?

That was me, yesterday, at the television.

Apparently, a group of girls got together and decided it would be a truly spectacular idea to invite another girl over to the house, and beat the crap out of her. Oh, and videotape it so they could put it on youtube.

Does this sound like a desperate plea for some mental help, or a desperate plea for attention, or both?

In any case, the "whaaaaat?" moment for me came when they broadcast a section of the tape on NATIONAL TELEVISION.

What better way of saying, "you have done a reprehensible, horrible, socially unacceptable thing" by giving them WHAT THEY WANTED IN THE FIRST PLACE.

Jesus wept.
And, in this case, began to vomit.

I'm very confused, a bit annoyed, and really disappointed in the human race. AND, I realize that I should have put confused AT the human race, annoyed BY the human race, and such, but it's a sentence and it's mine and Joyce didn't use punctuation so f**k off!

Seriously......when does the escalation stop? When does the silly childish game of "I'm not getting even, I'm getting ahead." stop?

Gandhi is quoted as saying, "an eye for an eye simply makes the whole world blind." But in this day and age, it makes us blind, deaf, and missing some fingers because somebody didn't know how to say "ENOUGH!"

Apparently, it's even worse in the schools, as evidenced by the previously mentioned tape. If you insult me in front of people, we no longer go out by the dumpsters after school for a couple of go-rounds, but we wait until after dark, and drive by with guns....

In colleges now, they have websites that encourage "juicy rumors" that have led people to actually leave school because they were called a whore or a drug dealer or a carrier of disease on a site that EVERYBODY can read. And that's the part about rumors...they don't have to be true to ruin lives.

And it becomes so common, it's now the status quo.

To quote Twain: "It is un-English. It is un-American. It is....French."

And Jesus continues to vomit.

And just when we need some little dutch boy to put his finger in the levee to save us all....well, somebody just called him a queer and he's gone to get his gun....

I......just.....don't......get it.


Gertrude said...

Shameful, isn't it?
Made me just sick to my stomach. I had a whole truck load of cheerleaders show up at my house once to kick my ass.
So I tend to lean towards this is not new.
But what is new is every one's need for 5 minutes of fame on you tube.
Because humanity still has us and the whole lot of our extended gang I believe their is still hope.
However we might have to form a compound and move to Texas or Utah to preserve our way of life.

Kizz said...

What's more about the whole college rumor mill is that it's simply "good training" for the political arena where rumor mongering has been elevated to a "necessary tactic for success."

It's all bullshit.