Monday, February 25, 2008

Is it over for another year yet?

Back when I was a working actor, I couldn't stand the idea of "awards shows."

Now that I'm older, and somewhat out of the business ("somewhat out of" translates into: "still thinking about getting back to it but I know I probably won't."), I find that I can't even get up the energy to go see a movie in a theatre, so The Academy Awards are a moot point; didn't see, couldn't tell ya, read the reviews and it sounded okay.

I never get to NYC, so why should I watch the Tonys?

There hasn't really been any consistently interesting music produced since Dylan went electric, so why bother with the Grammys?

And what's the point of People's Choice Awards? And can we seriously get any more narcissistic than The Screen Actor's Guild Awards?

Even when I was an actor, and nominated for some kind of award, I would be shocked to win it, and often didn't appear to accept it. Two times, in college, I declined to participant in the Irene Ryan Competition at the ACTF.

The bottom line is this:

I cannot see how art can be judged upon objectively enough that one actor performing one role can be compared to another actor performing another role.

If I may use an extreme example, how can you compare HAMLET to FRODO? And, how does one judge how well a dramatic role is done, compared to a comedic role? And why does genre play so big a role; how often does a scifi movie get the big nominations?

How often do comedies, or comics, win Oscars?

Seriously, I don't know. I don't follow.

There are other problems, specific to the Oscars....for example, how many films nominated are released in the last three months of the year? How many films nominated are actually ONLY released to NY and LA before the nominating year has passed?

And SERIOUSLY: Shouldn't the best actor Oscars be going to the editor? I'm not sure an actor who needs four takes to get it right should be awarded because the editor picked the right take to use. And, he shouldn't be punished, either. Do you see the problem?

Awards shows specifically have become about one thing: some cadaverous shrew asking, "who are you wearing?"


Yes, I know, some people do.

I'm not sure that I have an inarguable point here, folks. But as a former actor, I look at from this perspective: It's about the work, people. It's about putting it together on a personal level, and THEN putting it together on an interpersonal level, and THEN putting it in front of the audience and hope they understand it.

The glory is not in the response, but in the work.

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