Wednesday, January 30, 2008

There's this girl in NYC.....

The three or four of you who actually read this semi-daily dreck will understand what I'm talking about.

There's this girl from NYC that I knew for a little while a time or two ago, and she and a couple of other people left a rather large impression upon me. Now, my friend Zelda talks about her from time to time (they got very close during the Children's Theatre Wars of 1998-99) and now, I feel it's my turn.

And since I'm pretty sure she's reading this (or shall, somewhere down the line) I'll address it to her, and you can read along.

My Dear Miss Robinson:

I want you to do something for me.
I want you to understand that you are a very creative writer, with a brilliant way with the turn of a phrase. You get genuine laughs with every post that you make. I read with an almost constant amazement at your wit, charm and grace on the printed page.

Your new endeavor, this production that will soon see the light of day, while seemingly mundane by the standards you have apparently set (or perhaps, a standard set by your surroundings....let's face it, you live in, or near, the capital of the world) are positively envy-inducing for us hopeless provincials, and if you think that's a jab, it ain't. What some people would say with irony, I say with conviction.

You're showing a lot of courage. More courage than I have at this point in time, and I envy your ability to go out and do, while all I seem able to do is.....wish. And dream. And carry on. You need to remember this.

My dear friend, I only have one request.


I'm reminded of a story about a guy who inherits a HUGE ball of rubber bands. He knows that if he untangles the rubber bands, that inside that HUGE ball of rubber bands is the real inheritance. But he also knows that it will take him forever to untangle that damned ball of rubber bands, and if he had his druthers, he would make his late relative EAT the damned thing.

But he begins.
One rubber band at a time.

One thing at a time, and you'll be fine.

And if you need anything, just yell.


You may all now return to your regularly scheduled programs.


Kizz said...

I needed this. Thank you.

For the last 2 hours I have been procrastinating peeling my rubber band ball by reading FANFICTION for crissakes!

ChromePlatedGirl said...

Well, that is lovely.
Like the girl it is intended for.
Just Lovely.