Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Yup. November in ND.

Well, even though the weather has been flirting, almost giving us the snow, it's comin' down now. Not so badly as to cause trouble....unless it's that hard, small, nearly sleet kind of snow we all know and love.....but enough to stick a little to the ground. Oh, and if I haven't mentioned the wind.....well, you can probably hear it over my shoulder as I write this. It's a stiff breeze, gusting at somewhere about 60 miles an hour.

I usually like this time of year, though. I do like the first snowfall, where the accumulation takes away the sins of the world, for a brief time. I just don't like it when it's flying at me at the aforementioned 60 miles an hour.

In other news, my Father is coming for a visit over the holidays, the first of it's kind since my wife and I moved here to Bismarck. He's going to share Thanksgiving with us. Of course, I don't get the day off, so he'll be sharing it with my wife. I hope he enjoys the holiday football games on my big screen television. Insert grumbling here.

Ah, Michigan vs. Ohio State on Saturday. Which I'm going to miss as well. Insert louder grumbling here. Here's hoping that Lloyd Carr pulls a rabbit out of a hat and delivers a win for the Wolverines. I don't think it's going to save his job though.

Usually, I have a point.
This time, I don't.
I don't even have an ending.


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